Call to join the ‘Scenarios ETAG’ stakeholder reference group for the ten-year network development plans joint scenarios
Call to join the ‘Scenarios ETAG’ stakeholder reference group for the ten-year network development plans joint scenarios
What is it about?
ACER encourages interested stakeholders to join the ENTSOs’ new Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG), called ‘Scenarios ETAG’.
ACER’s Framework Guidelines (January 2023) seek to ensure robust joint scenarios for electricity and gas network development planning for the EU’s ten-year network development plans (TYNDPs).
The Framework Guidelines introduce a larger role for stakeholders in the scenarios’ preparation process with a new scenarios SRG to be facilitated by the ENTSOs.
What is the role of this Stakeholder Reference Group?
The SRG will:
- Offer scrutiny, independently from the ENTSOs, on the inputs, assumptions and methodologies proposed by the ENTSOs and provide its advice to the ENTSOs, within an agreed timeframe. This advice shall be included in the draft Scenario Report submitted for ACER’s Opinion and European Commission’s approval.
- At the end of the scenarios-development process, formulate (a second) advice including an evaluation of the process and recommendations for improvements for the next biennial cycle. The SRG shall share this advice with ACER and the ENTSOs.
- Be an instrument through which the ENTSOs can organise the broad consultation foreseen in Article 12(3) of the TEN-E Regulation.
ACER expects the SRG to offer continuity beyond the biennial TYNDP cycle. ACER encourages the SRG to be involved in the TYNDP 2024 scenarios to the extent possible and formulate an evaluation of the process, while preparing the next scenarios-development cycle.
What are the next steps?
ACER calls on all interested stakeholders to sign up for the ‘Scenarios ETAG’ Stakeholder Reference Group (via the ENTSOs’ online form). ACER will be an observer to the group and will check that it can function independently as foreseen in the Framework Guidelines.