
Cyber incident at the EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

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Cyber incident at the EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

Update: 26 January 2024

More specific guidance for stakeholders who interact regularly with ACER

ACER has received queries from stakeholders on the impact of the cyber incident and requests for guidance. ACER offers the following information:

REMIT/LNG data and use of Virtual Private Network (VPN):
  • The Agency has secure systems for sensitive data.
  • Based on the evidence to date, the data reported by market participants to the Agency, in line with their obligations under the REMIT Regulation and the LNG market data  safeguarded in ACER's REMIT information systems has NOT been impacted.
  • Stakeholders should continue to use a secure channel to report their data to the Agency in line with their obligations under the REMIT Regulation and LNG data reporting obligations.
  • Stakeholders (and national regulators) that have a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection with ACER for the exchange of REMIT data should continue to use their VPN. For stakeholders in the process of setting up their VPN connections to ACER, the set up of the VPN connection should continue.
  • Sensitive data should not be sent over e-mail to ACER. This has already been our advice and as such it still stands.
  • There is no need to stop e-mail communications with ACER.
  • For any sensitive information that can only be communicated to ACER via an e-mail (although not recommended), please send it as a password protected zipped file attachment to the e-mail (with very long passwords; passwords are to be shared via other means than email such as SMS or MS Teams message to the intended recipient).

Press contact: Press@acer.europa.eu


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