
Delivering on the Clean Energy Package: ACER defines system operation regions


The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) published today a Decision defining the system operation regions as part of the implementation of the Regulation on the internal market for electricity.

This regulation foresees a higher level of coordination between transmission system operators (TSOs) at regional level. This will translate into an enhanced institutional framework by establishing regional coordination centres (RCCs); the definition of the system operation regions represents the first step towards the establishment of RCCs.

The next step will be carried out by TSOs of each of the system operation regions, which will submit by 5 July to the concerned National Regulatory Authorities a proposal for establishing the RCCs.

Find out more:

ACER Decision on the definition of system operation regions.​ 

EU Regulation on the internal market for electricity.

Clean energy for all Europeans package. ​