
Improved consistency of national Network Development Plans with ENTSO-E European plan

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The Agency publishes today its Opinion on the National electricity Network Development Plans (NDPs) and their consistency with the European Union-wide electricity Ten-year Network Development Plan (EU TYNDP) prepared by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).

The Agency concludes that the consistency of the NDPs with the EU TYNDP improved compared to the past. ACER identified the following improvements:

·         A more widespread use of biennial rather than yearly plans.

·         A more widespread use of cost-benefit analyses for projects and more benefit categories in the NDP.

·         A more widespread inclusion of third-party projects in the NDPs, as well as a more systematic use of a multi-scenario approach.

However, the Agency also notes that some of the practices used for the overall development, review and adoption of the NDPs might negatively impact the robustness, credibility and transparency of the NDPs or could result in inconsistencies with the EU TYNDP. Therefore, the Agency identified in this Opinion several areas for improvement, both regarding the EU TYNDP and the NDPs.​

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