Network Codes on Demand Connection and on Requirements for HVDC Systems and DC-Connected Power Park Modules on track in most countries
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According to the latest Monitoring Report by the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) published today, the implementation of the Network Code on Demand Connection and the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of High Voltage Direct Current Systems and Direct Current-Connected Power Park Modules is well on track in the majority of countries analysed. However, a few National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) confirmed that the implementation of some of the requirements of general application is still outstanding or it has differed from the provisions included in the two Network Codes.
Similarly, NRAs reported some requirements in the corresponding national grid codes go beyond those laid down in the EU Regulations.
In the report, ACER recommends:
Not to withhold connection to the network to a prospective system user that complies with all the requirements and capabilities in the Network Codes, in case it is unable to comply with requirements included only in national regulations.
NRAs to complete or promote, if empowered to do so, expeditious implementation of the Network Codes where the implementation has not been yet completed.
The Network Code on Demand Connection provides harmonised standards for demand facilities connected to the network.
The Network Code on Grid Connection of High Voltage Direct Current Systems and Direct Current-Connected Power Park Modules specifies requirements for long distance direct current connections. These are used to link offshore wind parks to mainland or to connect countries over long distances
The implementation of a harmonised set of provisions facilitates the competitiveness and the market of generation technologies across Europe.
Access the Report.