This means that market participants will have to register with their national energy regulatory authority.
ACER was asked to decide on a format that could be used all accross Europe and which would guarantee a coordinated implementation of the Regulation without creating unnecessary burden for stakeholders.
This is why before adopting the format, ACER organised a public consultation, which led to a simplification of the proposed format.
The adoptiong of the registration format by the Agency does not mean that the registration of market participants will start as of tomorrow.
Indeed, the REMIT Implementing Acts have to be adopted before any European register of market participants is established.
The Implementing Acts will be adopted following the comitology process (negotiations between Member States and the European Commission). Right now, the Implementing Acts are foreseen at the earliest in mid-2013. No registration will take place before.
But ACER had to fulfil its task of adopting a registrating format before end of June, which it did. The details of the reporting format can be found in the annex to the Decision.