1st Energy Market Integrity and Transparency Forum
Slovenian Forestry Institute - Večna pot 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
11/10/2017 08:30 - 16:00
What is it about?
This Forum is organised with the support of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Forum will focus on REMIT policy topics (Q&A, Urgent Market Messages (UMMs), REMIT data quality etc.) and on the experience gained over the last two years (since data reporting started), as seen through the eyes of stakeholders. It will also focus on the way forward. The programme will be organised as follows:
- Update on REMIT implementation and operation
- Update on REMIT Policy
- Transaction reporting and data quality
- Panel discussion: Experience sharing/Role of industry experts and stakeholder organisations in expert groups and roundtable meetings
- Panel discussion: Monitoring, coordination of cross-border investigatory groups and enforcement
- REMIT beyond
Pre-registration was closed on 27 September 2017