ACER webinar on a consultancy study on hydrogen networks

What is it about?
ACER has contracted VIS Economic & Energy Consultants to conduct a study to identify recommendations for a future European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas’ (ENTSOG's) cost-benefit analysis(CBA) methodology for hydrogen infrastructure. The VIS study:
- Assesses existing CBA documents and technical-economic assessments for hydrogen infrastructure;
- Reviews hydrogen transportation plans and supply/demand targets in selected EU Member States;
- Assesses market and network conditions justifying building hydrogen infrastructure;
- Makes recommendations for the consistency of ENTSOG and ENTSO-E CBA methodologies; and
- Provides recommendations to ENTSOG for a CBA methodology for hydrogen infrastructure.
The ENTSOG is required to publish a draft cost-benefit analysis methodology (CBA) for hydrogen infrastructure projects, in accordance with Article 11 of the recast Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation. Before doing so, ENTSOG will gather inputs from relevant stakeholders and submit the methodology to the EU Member States (MS), the European Commission, and ACER.
ENTSOG’s CBA methodology for hydrogen infrastructure is an important development in the European wide ten-year network development plan (TYNDP) and selection process of Projects of Common Interest (PCI). The methodology will be developed in accordance with the PCI selection criteria, guidelines, rules and indicators laid down in the TEN-E Regulation.
After ENTSOG’s submission of the draft CBA methodology for hydrogen infrastructure, ACER shall provide its Opinion within three months.