ACER Webinar on the new framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning
What is it about?
The recasted TEN-E regulation stipulates a more structured process for developing the joint TYNDP scenarios. It requires from ACER to prepare Framework Guidelines which should ensure the TYNDP scenarios are transparent, non-discriminatory and robust, as well as in line with the Union’s climate and energy objectives (e.g. fostering Union’s 2030 energy and climate targets, as well as its 2050 climate neutrality objective). These scenarios should also build on the European Commission’s Fit for 55’ scenarios, as well as on the national energy and climate plans.
To ensure these TYNDP scenarios are transparent, non-discriminatory and robust, as well as in line with the European Union’s climate and energy objectives ACER is first publishing Scenarios Guidelines. The “Scenarios Guidelines” will be adopted in January 2023.
The ENTSO for Electricity and ENTSO for Gas shall follow the Agency’s framework guidelines when they construct the joint TYNDP scenarios.
Webinar Objective:
In the public online webinar, ACER will:
- Explain the challenges and key decisions it took into consideration while adopting the Guidelines;
- Invite stakeholders to share their feedback on the the development process of these guidelines for possible improvements in the future.