ACER workshop: designing electricity network tariffs to fit the energy transition

What is it about?
Electricity transmission and distribution tariffs are crucial for the energy transition. They enable system operators to recover their costs of reinforcing and operating their networks.
Achieving the EU's climate and energy goals requires significant investment in new network capacities, which increases pressure on network tariffs. Electrification of heating, transport, and other energy uses, along with distributed generation and new grid usage patterns (e.g. EV charging stations), add complexity to the electricity system. However, in a decentralised and digitalised energy landscape, these challenges also present opportunities (such as more flexible users and increased automation).
Cost-reflective and transparent tariffs can encourage efficient network connection and use, reducing costs for users. However, setting tariffs is complex, with no ‘one-size-fits-all’ design, as regulators need to balance different principles and national specifics. Regulators and stakeholders can benefit from discussing challenges and sharing effective tariff solutions.
Event objective
Every two years, ACER reviews national tariff practices and reports on methodologies and best practices in the EU. Regulatory authorities must consider ACER’s reports when setting up new network tariffs or approving their methodologies.
Ahead of ACER’s next network tariffs report (early 2025), ACER organises a workshop to:
- identify the most pressing transmission and distribution tariff dilemmas;
- debate potential solutions and best practices to address them.
If you wish to attend the event in person, please note the room has reached full capacity. Your name will be placed on a waiting list. Should any spot free up, we will notify you as soon as possible.
Online registrations are still open and will be automatically confirmed.
Get involved!
Ahead of the workshop, ACER invites stakeholders to:
- Read the executive summary of ACER’s latest electricity tariff report (2023).
- Share their views on specific network challenges by Monday, 23 September 2024. Contributions are encouraged, regardless of workshop participation. Responses will inform ACER’s work on electricity tariffs.