Public Workshop on the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms

31/05/2022 14:00 - 15:00 (Europe/Brussels)
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What is it about?

Workshop Objective: ACER presents and discusses the amendments to the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms to gather information for its decision making process.


On 31 March 2022, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) received the proposals submitted by all Transmission System Operators (TSOs) amending the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms for the automatic and manual frequency restoration reserve (aFRR, mFRR) and the imbalance netting. The amendment proposals detail the designation of entities performing the relevant functions of these platforms. The proposal on the implementation framework of the mFRR platform also includes technical amendments.

ACER will run a public consultation from 16 May until 12 June 2022 to collect comments from stakeholders and to take informed decisions. 

In this public workshop, ACER will:

  • present the implementation frameworks and its proposals for amending them
  • provide clarifications on the public consultation, as well as 
  • seek stakeholders' input


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