Webinar on the “ACER 70% Target Report” on the interconnector margin available for cross-zonal electricity trade

21/01/2021 10:00 - 11:30
webinar's speakers

What is it about?

​​Europe’s Clean Energy Package has set a binding minimum 70% target for electricity interconnector capacity for cross-zonal trading. The 70% target is legally binding since the start of 2020.

This webinar brings together speakers from Transmission System Operators (TSOs), the European Commission and ACER to discuss with interested parties:
- the main findings of ACER’s 70% report on monitoring how Member States are performing in reaching the binding 70% target for the first half of 2020.
- how to close the gap so that Member States get closer to the binding minimum 70% target.
Webinar Agenda​

Mr Christian ZINGLERSEN, ACER Director 
Reactions to ACER’s findings and how to close the gap so that Member States get closer to the binding minimum 70% target
Moderator: Mr Christian ZINGLERSEN, ACER Director 
Mr Christophe GENCE-CREUX, Head of ACER’s Electricity Department