I. Introduction
This frequently asked questions document (hereafter referred to as ‘FAQ document’) contains questions received concerning the collection of inside information and fundamental data. The FAQ document contains questions received in relation to the Manual of Procedures (MoP) on data reporting under REMIT. The Manual assists reporting entities to provide transactions, fundamental data and inside information to the Agency under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 (REMIT) and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014.
The purpose of the FAQ document is to provide clarifications and to raise transparency on the uniform rules for the collection of fundamental data and inside information.
The FAQ document is separated into two main parts that include frequently asked questions and answers related to the collection of fundamental data and inside information. This document is directed to the public, but in no way provides a legal interpretation of REMIT and it does not by any means substitute the MoP on data reporting under REMIT, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 or REMIT itself.
The questions have been received from stakeholders via roundtables organised by the Agency and via the REMIT Query form.
The answers included in this FAQ document have been drafted by the Agency and have been previously discussed with stakeholders on roundtable meetings organised by the Agency. The Agency will update this FAQ document on a regular basis.
Market participants have to bear in mind that they have to comply with the obligations and the prohibitions established in REMIT. All REMIT related documents are published at https://www.acer.europa.eu/remit-documents.
Disclaimer: The questions contained in this FAQ document are genuine stakeholder questions raised with the Agency. The review of the questions carried out by the Agency has been strictly focused on their anonymization with the aim of eliminating references made to company names, products or any other items that could be clearly linking to the sender of the question. |