Question 2.1.2
My question is related to REMIT fundamental information, article 8(3) reporting of electricity nomination. Nominations in MoP are to be reported by bidding zone. In FRUK border, following the construction of two new interconnection lines, Line A and Line B, transparency data publications will be separated by interconnector. We will thus create a new fake bidding zone for Line A, that will be characterized by a new EIC code. Shall we keep REMIT nomination reporting at FR-UK level, or should we distinguish the 3 interconnecting lines (Line A, Line B and Line C) between the two borders in the in_domain and out_domain attributes of the existing schedule market document?
Value of in and out domain in timeSeries where nomination is between France and the United Kingdom is currently holding a single EIC code for each bidding zone (FR, UK).
We remain on the existing reporting values, without distinguishing the connecting lines (sane existing bidding zones) as long as the market participants are clearly identified and all the nominations reported.
Answer: Please note that, according to Article 8(3) of REMIT Implementing Regulation, Electricity TSOs or third parties on their behalf shall report to the Agency and, at their request, to national regulatory authorities in accordance with Article 8(5) of REMIT final nominations between bidding zones specifying the identity of market participants involved and the quantity scheduled. Therefore, electricity nomination data on the FR-UK border shall be reported on a bidding zone border level, i.e. the sum-up/aggregated value of all the existing interconnectors shall be reported for nomination.