Question 3.2.5
In case an LNG Storage Operator (LSO) does not offer the reporting service, there is uncertainty as to who the responsible Market Participant responsible for reporting the unloading/reloading information to ACER should be, given the LNG could change ownership several times between the ship and the flange of LNG plant.
Title to LNG can change several times before it is discharged. Therefore, for the purposes of reporting LNG unloading/re-loading data it is questionable who the market participant responsible for reporting the unloading/reloading information to ACER is.
MP1 sells its LNG cargo to MP2 before the ship starts unloading. MP2 also owns the terminal capacity. Who is responsible for reporting?
Answer: In the Agency’s view it is the last person in the chain who will report unloading and reloading data. Where exchange of title has occurred before unloading/reloading commences at the flange, MP2 in the above example is responsible for reporting the loading/unloading data.
Where title is retained by MP1 but MP1 does not own the terminal capacity, the Agency understands that the LSO may not be able to report on their behalf. Therefore, it is the Agency’s understanding that the capacity holder (MP2) is responsible for the reporting and this can identify the MP1 in its report when MP2 reports the information. MP2’s ID will be reported in the terminalCustomerIdentifier field, and MP1’s ID in the marketParticipantIdentifier field.
However, the LSO might report on behalf of the capacity holder (MP2) and should identify (if possible) MP1 in the marketParticipantIdentifier field. The Agency understands that, where the LSO reports on behalf of the capacity holder MP2 and has no information on MP1, the LSO may report MP2 in both marketParticipantIdentifier and terminalCustomerIdentifier fields if the LSO has no information on MP1.