Question 3.2.8

Question 3.2.8

What is the frequency of reporting of the planned loading/reloading of LNG (lngPlannedUsageReport)?

There is a lack of clarity of the frequency of the reporting in case of varieties during the current month.

In our view the report should be submitted once for each calendar month and submitted before the start of the relevant calendar month. The concept could be endorsed by the Agency via a “no action letter” or via additional guidance.

Rationale: There are no provisions in the level 2 text for providing updates to the Agency regarding planned unloading/reloading once the file has been submitted prior to the start of the month. Additionally the Manual of Procedures specifically states: “The data element ”lngPlannedUsageReport” is to be used by the Reporting Party to document expected usage of the facility over the next reporting period. The Reporting Party shall provide a monthly update of the planned usage of the facility, which details expected deliveries and planned reloading and unloading dates over the coming month”.

Answer: In the Agency’s view the report should be submitted once a month before the start of the relevant calendar month. As Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 does not foresee to report updates regarding planned unloading/reloading once the file has been submitted to the Agency, market participants or LSOs shall submit their report that was sent to the LSO on the last day of the month preceding the calendar month to which the report relates to.

Example: If the report on the planned unloading and reloading for the month of April is agreed with the LSO on 15 March and then amended on 29 March, market participants (or the LSO on their behalf) should send their planned loading/reloading report (submitted on 29 March to LSO) to the Agency not later than on 31 March.
