Question 3.2.9

Question 3.2.9

Which day/event shall be populated for gasDayStart and gasDayEnd fields in the LNG Participant Activity Report?

Answer: In order to populate the gasDayStart and gasDayEnd fields in the LNG Participant Activity Report, the Market Participant shall use the relevant records from the Cargo Discharge Log as a reference. The values shall reflect the gas day(s) during which the reloading or unloading occurred.


Cargo Discharge Log

2 December 2016 – 06:52 – Commenced Discharge

2 December 2016 – 19:38 – Completed Disconnecting Arms

gasDayStart: 2016-12-02T05:00:00Z (time depends on time zone)

gasDayEnd:2016-12-03T05:00:00Z (time depends on time zone)
