Question 4.1.12

Question 4.1.12

Particular situations of gas transmission unavailability – Example 2.

How should the event be properly presented by using the daily capacity units (kWh/d) and how should the changing capacity values during the different hourly sub-periods be published?

By publishing one UMM message for the whole period - 3 days?

By publishing one UMM message for each gas day?

By publishing one UMM message for each of the sub-periods?

How to calculate and correctly publish the amount of available and unavailable capacity?

The Agency’s guidance and the format for the XMLs for “Unavailabilities for gas facilities”, allow the usage of kWh/day or mcm/day as the only acceptable units for events related to gas transmission system unavailabilities.

Example: Publication of UMM in case of unavailability of gas transmission for an event that lasts more than one gas day and contains sub-periods that differ in the number of the affected hours and the values of the available and unavailable capacity per day and per hour.


  • Event start: 2015-11-06  01:00
  • Event stop: 2015-11-08 18:00
  • Technical capacity in normal circumstances: 1000 kWh/h
  • The event lasts 3 gas days and contains 3 sub-periods that differ in the number of the affected hours and the values of the available and unavailable capacity per day and per hour, as follows:
    • 5 hours during the 1st gas day, the unavailability is 950 kWh/h
    • 24 hours during the 2nd gas day, for 20 hours the unavailability is 900 kWh/h and for 4 hours the unavailability is 850 kWh/h
    • 6 hours during the 3rd gas day, the unavailability is 850 kWh/h
    • The values of the available and unavailable capacity could vary each sub-period

Description of the event and the capacity unavailability:

Gas day: 2015-11-06 2015-11-07 2015-11-08
Gas hour: Available kWh/h Unavailable kWh/h Available kWh/h Unavailable kWh/h Available kWh/h Unavailable kWh/h
6 1000 0 100 900 150 850
7 1000 0 100 900 150 850
8 1000 0 100 900 150 850
9 1000 0 100 900 150 850
10 1000 0 100 900 150 850
11 1000 0 100 900 150 850
12 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
13 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
14 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
15 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
16 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
17 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
18 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
19 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
20 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
21 1000 0 100 900 1000 0
22 50 950 100 900 1000 0
23 50 950 100 900 1000 0
24 50 950 100 900 1000 0
1 50 950 100 900 1000 0
2 50 950 150 850 1000 0
3 50 950 150 850 1000 0
4 50 950 150 850 1000 0
5 50 950 150 850 1000 0

Answer: The new schema “REMITUMMGasSchema_V1.xsd” (available here) contains also “kWh/h” as an allowed unit and the schema can be already used for gas inside information reporting. The previous schema REMITUMMGasSchema_V1_OLD.xsd without the “kWh/h” unit is still supported by ARIS and can be used for gas inside information reporting. If the old schema is used the below conversion from kWh/d to kWh/h applies. In the future (expected time: 2019/2020) the Agency will discontinue using the OLD version of the schema.

The provided example consists of three events to be reported.

1) Event start: 2015-11-06 22:00 - Event stop: 2015-11-07 06:00:

  • the unavailable capacity is 950 kWh/h = 950*24 = 22800 kWh/d
  • the available capacity is 50 kWh/h = 50*24 = 1200 kWh/d

2) Event start: 2015-11-07 06:00 - Event stop: 2015-11-08 02:00:

  • the unavailable capacity is 900 kWh/h = 900*24=21600 kWh/d
  • the available capacity is 100 kWh/h = 100*24 = 2400 kWh/d

3) Event start: 2015-11-08 02:00 - Event stop: 2015-11-08 12:00:

  • the unavailable capacity is 850 kWh/h = 850*24=850*24=20400 kWh/d
  • the available capacity is 150 kWh/h = 150*24 = 3600 kWh/d

Technical capacity is 1000 kWh/h = 1000*24=24000 kWh/d.
