Question 4.1.16

Question 4.1.16

How should this particular event be presented for inside information reporting on LNG deliverability restrictions (within UMM)?

Case: the event lasts more than one gas day.

  • Event start: 2015-11-06 01:00 (am)
  • Event stop: 2015-11-08 18:00

The event lasts 3 gas days and contains 3 sub-periods that differ in the number of the affected hours and the values of the availability and unavailability per day as follows:

Technical availability in normal circumstances: (6,78 GWh/h*24h) = 162,72 GWh per gas day

o 5 hours during the 1st gas day, the unavailability is 33,9 GWh

o 24 hours during the 2nd gas day, for 24 hours the unavailability is 162,72 GWh

o 12 hours during the 3rd gas day, the unavailability is 81,36 GWh

The values of the availability and unavailability could vary each sub-period.

Gas day: 2015-11-06 2015-11-07 2015-11-08
Gas hour: Availability GWh/h Unavailability GWh/h Availability GWh/h Unavailability GWh/h Availability GWh/h Unavailability GWh/h
6 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
7 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
8 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
9 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
10 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
11 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
12 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
13 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
14 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
15 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
16 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
17 6,78 0 0 6,78 0 6,78
18 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
19 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
20 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
21 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
22 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
23 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
24 6,78 0 0 6,78 6,78 0
1 0 6,78 0 6,78 6,78 0
2 0 6,78 0 6,78 6,78 0
3 0 6,78 0 6,78 6,78 0
4 0 6,78 0 6,78 6,78 0
5 0 6,78 0 6,78 6,78 0
  =128,82 GWh = 33,9 GWh = 0 GWh = 162,72 GWh = 81,36 GWh = 81,36 GWh

According to the Manual of Procedures (MoP) on data reporting: ANNEX VI Fundamental data reporting, VI.V XML SCHEMA FOR LNG DATA document, presentation of this event for LNG data on unavailability (within the fundamental data reporting to ACER) is: Case:

  • Event start: 2015-11-06 01:00 (am)
  • Event stop: 2015-11-08 18:00

o 5 hours during the 1st gas day, the unavailability is 33,9 GWh

o 24 hours during the 2nd gas day, for 24 hours the unavailability is 162,72 GWh

o 12 hours during the 3rd gas day, the unavailability is 81,36 GWh

Then unavailability = (33,9 GWh + 162,72 GWh + 81,36GWh)/3 gas days = (277,98 GWh)/3 gas days = 92,66 GWh/d

Unavailability = average per gas day is 92,66 GWh/d

According to the Manual of Procedures (MoP): ANNEX VII Data fields for inside information reporting, UMM schema II. and FAQs on REMIT fundamental data and inside information collection (3rd edition, 15 November 2016) documents, the presentation of this event for inside information reporting on LNG deliverability restrictions (within UMM) should be:

There are three events and three UMMs are published:

The first UMM: 001_001

  1. Event start: 2015-11-06 01:00 (am) – event end: 2015-11-07 05:59:
  • the unavailability is 6,78 GWh/h * 5h = 33,9 GWh
  • the availability is 6,78 GWh/h * 19h= 128,82 GWh

The unavailability for the first gas day is 33,9 GWh

The second UMM:002_001

2) Event start: 2015-11-07 06:00 – event end: 2015-11-08 05:59

  • unavailability is 6,78 GWh/h * 24h = 162,72 GWh
  • the availability is 6,78 GWh/h * 0h= 0 GWh

The unavailability for the second gas day is 162,72 GWh

The third UMM:003_001

3) Event start: 2015-11-08 06:00 - event stop: 2015-11-08 18:00:

  • the unavailability is 6,78 GWh/h *12h=81,36 GWh
  • the availability is 6,78 GWh/h *12h =81,36 GWh

The unavailability for the second gas day is 81,36 GWh


For this particular event:

  • ACER receives information within fundamental data reporting that the unavailability is, on average, 92,66 GWh per gas day for the whole event.

The market within UMM publications (and ACER within RSS for UMMs) receives information that the unavailability is respectively: 33,9 GWh (for the first gas day), 162,72 GWh (for the second gas day) and 81,36 GWh (for the third gas day).


  1. Fundamental Data reporting

MoP on data reporting: The unavailability report is used to report any planned or unplanned unavailability of a facility for a gas day or period within a gas day. The unavailableCapacity shall be reported with a GWh/d unit.

In the example provided above one lngUnavailabilityReport shall be sent to the Agency:


  • unavailabilityStart: 2015-11-07 01:00 - unavailabilityEnd: 2015-08-18:00
  • unavailableCapacity: 6,78 GWh/h*24h/d=162,72 GWh/d

2. Inside Information

This is one event:

  • Event start: 2015-11-07 01:00 - Event stop: 2015-11-08 18:00
  • the unavailable capacity is 6,78 GWh/h = 6,78 GWh/h*24h/d = 162,72 GWh/d

Please note the recent update of the MoP on data reporting v 4.0; the GWh/d unit can be selected for LNG deliverability restrictions events.  
