4.6 Data fields related to delivery profile

4.6 Data fields related to delivery profile

This section includes the following fields:

Field No. Field name Traded on OMP - Orders Traded on OMP - Trades Traded outside OMP - BILCONTRACT Traded outside OMP - EXECUTIONS
48 Delivery point or zone M M M M
49 Delivery start date M M M M
50 Delivery end date M M M M
51 Duration M M M M
52 Load type M M M* M
53 Days of the week M* M* M* -
54 Load delivery intervals M M M M
55 Delivery capacity M* M* M* -
56 Quantity unit used in field 55 M* M* M* -
57 Price/time interval quantity M* M* M* -

M = mandatory; O = optional; - = does not apply; * = conditionally required; DV = default value specified in TRUM

Data Field (48) Delivery point or zone

No. Field Identifier Description
48 Delivery point or zone EIC code(s) for the delivery point(s) or market area(s).
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
EIC code, 16-character alphanumeric code. Alphanumerical 16 10YCB-EUROPEU--8

This field should indicate the EIC Y, Z or W code to identify the delivery point for the contract.

Example: A contract for the supply of gas at the TTF will report the EIC Y code to identify that balancing area.

However, since gas can also be delivered at the interconnection point, then the EIC Z code for that interconnector may be indicated.

Contracts for the supply of gas may also be delivered at a gas storage facility or an LNG terminal. In that case the EIC W code for that facility shall be reported.

For additional guidance on how to correctly report delivery point or zone, please refer to Annex VI to the TRUM and the List of Accepted EICs attached to the Annex.

Data Field (49) Delivery start date

No. Field Identifier Description
49 Delivery start date Start date of delivery.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
ISO 8601 date format Date 10 2014-01-01

This field identifies the date at which the delivery of the commodity starts as specified in the contract. This fields should refer to the local date and time. This applies for all the data fields related to delivery profiles.

Data Field (50) Delivery end date

No. Field Identifier Description
50 Delivery end date End date of delivery.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
ISO 8601 date format Date 10 2014-03-31

This field identifies the date at which the delivery of the commodity ends as specified in the contract. This fields should refer to the local date and time. This applies for all the data fields related to delivery profiles.

Data Field (51) Duration

No. Field Identifier Description
51 Duration The duration of the delivery period.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • N=Minutes
  • H= Hour
  • D= Day
  • W= Week
  • M =Month
  • Q = Quarter
  • S= Season
  • Y= Annual
  • O=Other
Text 1 M

This field identifies the duration of the delivery period. This is a generic representation of the contract, i.e. it does not specify the exact dates and times of the contract, but the common usage terms of the delivery period. For example, it refers to the contract as a month contract or any other duration as specified in the table reported above without specifying the exact start and end date and time of a month contract.

This field does not provide the exact duration of the contract, as this should be deducted from the Load delivery intervals, Delivery Start Date and Delivery End Date fields, except for quarterly, seasonal and annual contracts. For example, if a contract has one hour of delivery on a daily basis for one month, field Duration should be populated with ‘M’ (Month). If a contract has a delivery in one day for 15 minutes, field Duration should be populated with ‘N’ (Minutes). The indication ‘N’ will not distinguish between a 15- and 30-minute delivery, as these will have to be distinguished via the Load delivery intervals field.

Additional examples on the population of the Duration field are reported in the Annex II.

Data Field (52) Load type

No. Field Identifier Description
52 Load type Identification of the delivery profile (base load, peak load, off-peak, block of hours or other)
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • BL=Base load
  • PL=Peak load
  • OP=Off-Peak load
  • BH=Hour/Block Hours
  • SH =Shaped
  • GD=Gas Day
  • OT=Other
Text 2 BL

This field identifies the delivery profile (base load, peak load, off-peak, block of hours or other) of the contract. The load type should be defined as per the definition of the organised marketplace or as indicated in the contract in case of bilateral trades.

Data Field (53) Days of the week

No. Field Identifier Description
53 Days of the week The days of the week of the delivery
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples


  • MO=Monday
  • TU=Tuesday
  • WE=Wednesday
  • TH=Thursday
  • FR=Friday
  • SA=Saturday
  • SU-Sunday
  • XB=Excluding bank holidays
  • IB=Including bank holidays
  • WD=Week days
  • WN=Weekend
Text 2 to 6

MO Or a combination like:


This field identifies the days of the week that the commodity (gas or electricity) is delivered. This field does not apply to hourly or daily delivery contracts. This field applies to contracts for the delivery of the product when the delivery is repeated over a number of set days.

If the delivery takes place every day of the indicated delivery period, this field shall be left blank.


  • A monthly peak electricity forward contract must indicate that the delivery takes place from Monday to Friday during the month of the delivery, by populating the field with “WD”.
  • An hourly, block of hours or a day-ahead base load contract will not require reporting of this field, unless for delivery over a number of set days.

Reporting bank holidays and combinations of days of the week

“XB” for ‘Excluding bank holidays’ indicates that on Bank Holidays that profile does not apply and it is excluded. “IB” indicates that on Bank Holidays the same profile applies. In order to correctly use “XB” and “IB”, the field <daysOfTheWeek> </daysOfTheWeek> has to be reported twice in order to indicate the exclusion or inclusion of Bank Holidays. For example:

For “XB”:







For “IB”:







For electricity delivery profiles that start at 23:00 on Sunday and delivery ends at 23:00 on Friday, this should be reported as SUtoFR from 23:00 to 23:00






The profile WD from 23:00 to 23:00, presented below, would not represent the same profile and it should not be used for the case described above. The WD from 23:00 to 23:00 should be reported as:






This indicates that the delivery occurs from MO at 23:00 until FR at 23:00

Data Field (54) Load delivery intervals

No. Field Identifier Description
54 Load delivery Intervals Time interval for each block or shape.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
Time interval expressed in local time of the delivery point/area in the format of HH:MM Time n/a 10:00/11:00

This field identifies the load intervals for the delivery of the product and shall be expressed in local time at the delivery point or zone.

If the delivery intervals are the same for the entire duration of the contracts, e.g. an electricity peak load contract for delivery 08:00:00 to 20:00:00 or an electricity off-peak contract for delivery 00:00:00 to 08:00:00 and 20:00:00 to 00:00:00, the delivery intervals for each single day of the delivery shall not be reported as these will be the same for the entire duration of the contract.

Representation of Load delivery intervals in the electronic format

In the electronic format, Data Field (54) Load delivery intervals is represented in deliveryProfileDetails (in contractList) as <loadDeliveryStartTime> and <loadDeliveryEndTime>, and also in priceTimeIntervalQuantityDetails (in TradeList and OrderList) as <intervalStartTime> and <intervalEndTime>.

In case of reporting the same price and quantity (Data Field 35 and 40) for each load delivery interval (Data Field 54), elements <loadDeliveryStartTime> and <loadDeliveryEndTime> shall be populated in the electronic format. In case of reporting different price and/or quantity for each load delivery interval (by using Data Field 57 and 54), elements <intervalStartTime> and <intervalEndTime> shall be populated.

Guidance on reporting delivery start and end time when the delivery starts or ends at the beginning or end of the day (reportable time format for midnight)

According to the ISO 8601 standard and the electronic format of the Agency, in the Agency’s view when the time refers to midnight, it may be represented in the following formats: 00:00:00, 24:00:00 or 23:59:59. These formats have the same meaning, i.e. they refer to the same point in time. However, depending on whether a start time or an end time has to be reported for delivery intervals, different formats shall be adopted.

Reporting parties should be aware that time format 23:59:59 and 24:00:00 should not be reported for delivery start time, but only for delivery end time (23:59:59 is the preferred option). For delivery start time, 23:59:59 or 24:00:00 on Day X should be reported as 00:00:00 on Day X+1.

More specifically:

When trading electricity, delivery start time should be reported as 00:00:00 on Day X if the delivery starts at the beginning of Day X. For delivery end time for an electricity contract, if the delivery ends at midnight of Day X or any other day, the preferable option to report is 23:59:59 (otherwise 24:00:00) on Day X or any other day.

For example, a typical yearly electricity baseload contract, where the deliver y starts at the beginning of 2017-01-01, the delivery start date and time should be populated with 2017- 01-01 00:00:00. The delivery end date and time should be populated with 2017-12-31 23:59:59 (preferred option) or 2017-12-31 24:00:00.

Delivery start time for a gas day should be reported as 06:00:00 on Day X, and delivery end time should be reported as 06:00:00 or 05:59:59 on Day X+1. For example, for a gas within-day contract where the delivery starts on 2017-08-01 at 06:00:00, the delivery start date and time should be populated with 2017-08-01 06:00:00. The delivery end date and time should be populated with 2017- 08-02 06:00:00 or 2017-08-02 05:59:59.

For one load delivery interval with constant price and quantity, irrespective of for how long the delivery lasts within that load deliver interval, only one load delivery start time (i.e. when the load delivery starts) and only one load delivery end time (i.e. when the load delivery ends) shall be reported (please see the example for a gas within-day contract explained above).

Delivery profiles to be reported in local time

Delivery profiles shall be reported in local time e.g. 00:00 to 24:00, therefore “00:00Z to 24:00Z” format is not valid for delivery periods.

In case of long clock change, as there is no unique identification of the traded period, reporting parties shall report twice the same interval. The Agency will then consider in chronological order the two intervals reported and thus referred to, respectively, the third and fourth hour of the day.

Example of Data Field (54) reported on the long clock change:

  • 00:00/01:00 – first hour
  • 01:00/02:00 – second hour
  • 02:00/03:00 – third hour
  • 02:00/03:00 – fourth hour

Data Field (55) Delivery capacity

No. Field Identifier Description
55 Delivery capacity The number of units included in the transaction, per delivery time interval.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
Up to 20 numerical digits in the format xxxxx.yyyyy with a maximum of 5 decimals. Number 20 10

This field identifies the delivery capacity for each delivery interval if the delivery capacity is different for each delivery interval reported in Data Field (54) Load delivery intervals. If the delivery capacity is the same for each delivery interval, then this field should be left blank and the delivery capacity should be reported in Data Field (40) Quantity/Volume.

Data Field No (56) Quantity unit used in field 55

No. Field Identifier Description
56 Quantity unit used in field 55 The unit of measurement used.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • KW
  • KWh/h
  • KWh/d
  • MW
  • MWh/h
  • MWh/d
  • GW
  • GWh/h
  • GWh/d
  • Therm/d
  • KTherm/d
  • MTherm/d
  • cm/d
  • mcm/d
  • tcm/d
  • Btu/d
  • MMBtu/d
  • MJ/d
  • 100MJ/d
  • MMJ/d
  • GJ/d
Text 2 to 8 MW

This field identifies the unit used for the reported value in Data Field (55) Delivery capacity.  

Data Field (57) Price/time interval quantity

No. Field Identifier Description
57 Price/time interval quantity If applicable price per quantity per delivery time interval.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
Up to 20 numerical digits in the format xxxx.yyyyy with a maximun of 5 decimals. Number 20 50.25

This field identifies the price for the quantity at each time interval if the price is different for each delivery interval reported in Data Field (54) Load delivery intervals. If the price is the same for each delivery interval then this field should be left blank and the price should be reported in Data Field (35) Price.

The price reported in Data Field (57) Price/time interval quantity shall be expressed in the price currency indicated in Data Field (37) Price currency per unit of energy.

For example, if Data Field (54) indicates two delivery intervals: 9:00 to 12:00 and 12:00 to 15:00 and Data Field (55) indicates two capacities,e.g. 10 MW (for delivery 9:00 to 12:00) and 20 MW (for delivery 12:00 to15:00), then Data Field (57) shall be used for reporting different prices per unit of energy per each block, e.g. EUR 50/MWh (for delivery 9:00 to 12:00) and EUR 55/MWh (for delivery 12:00 to 15:00). If the price per unit of energy for the two blocks is the same, then the price should be reported in Data Field (35) and not in this field.
