6.1 Data fields related to common data for total primary allocation results and secondary market resale and transfer rights and bid document
This section includes the following fields:
1 | Document identification |
2 | Document version |
3 | Document type |
4 | Sender identification |
5 | Sender role |
6 | Receiver identification |
7 | Receiver role |
8 | Creation date and time |
9 | Bid time interval/applicable time interval |
10 | Domain |
11 | Document status (if applicable) |
Data Field (1) Document identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
1 | Document identification | Unique identification of the document for which the time series data is being supplied. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Sender Unique Identification | String | Maximum 35 | A_R-IT-FR-I-HOURLY1624-140709-01 |
This field identifies the unique identification of the document for which the time series data is being supplied. A Bid Document for a given set of time series and a given bid period must have a unique identification assigned by the sender of the document for all transmissions to the receiver. All additions, modifications, or suppressions for the time series and bid period must use the same identification.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (2) Document version
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
2 | Document version | Version of the document being sent. A document may be sent several times, each transmission being identified by a different version number that starts at 1 and increases sequentially. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
An integer value starting with 1.
Integer | Maximum 3 | 1 |
This field identifies the document version. The document version is used to identify a given version of a time series set for a given bid period. The first version number for a given document identification shall normally be 1. The document version number must be incremented for each retransmission of a document that contains changes to the previous version. The receiving system shall only accept a document with a version number which is greater than the previous version number of the same document.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (3) Document type
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
3 | Document type | The coded type of the document being sent. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Refer to ENTSO-E Code list for data interchange document for valid codes. A24: Bid Document |
Alphanumeric | 3 (no blanks) | A24 |
This field identifies the document type. The document type identifies the information flow characteristics. The initial code to be used is: A24: Bid Document.
Data Field (4) Sender identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
4 | Sender identification | Identification of the party that is the owner of the document and is responsible for its content (EIC code). |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
EIC | Alphanumeric | Maximum 16 | 10X1001A1001A450 |
This field indicates the identification of the owner and sender of the document. The sender of the document is identified by a unique coded identification. This code identifies the party that is the “owner” of the information being transmitted in the document and who is responsible for its content.
It should be borne in mind that for the reporting of transportation contracts, the Agency had to rely on existing industry schemas which were originally defined for different purposes and therefore have to be understood in a way that they comply with the REMIT transaction reporting regime. For its original purpose, the field and its values assume that the sender is normally a TSO or another market participant.
However, for the purpose of reporting under REMIT, the sender may not only be a self-reporting market participant, but also a third-party RRM. When the reporting entity is a third-party RRM, the third-party RRM has certain responsibilities for the document content as they have to validate the data they receive from market participants, ensure completeness, accuracy and timely submission of the data according to Article 11(2) of REMIT Implementing Regulation and, if necessary, correct and resubmit the rejected data in line with Article 11(2) of REMIT Implementing Regulation. This is why the sender identification has to identify the third-party RRM in cases where a third-party RRM reports.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (5) Sender role
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
5 | Sender role | Identification of the role that is played by the sender, e.g. TSO or other reporting party. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Refer to ENTSO-E Code list for data interchange document for the valid list of codes. A07 = Transmission capacity allocator |
Alphanumeric | Maximum 3 | A07 |
This field indicates the role of the sender within the document. The sender role, depending on the operational process which identifies the role of the sender within the document.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (6) Receiver identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
6 | Receiver identification | Identification of the party who is receiving the document. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
EIC | Alphanumeric | Maximum 16 | 10X1001A1001A450 |
This field identifies the party receiving the document. The receiver of the document is identified by a unique coded identification. In general this identifies the auction office or its representative.
The codification scheme used for the coded identification is indicated by the coding scheme attribute. It is a 3-character alphanumeric code.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (7) Receiver role
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
7 | Receiver role | Identification of the role played by the receiver. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Refer to ENTSO-E Code list for data interchange document for the valid list of codes. A32 = Market information aggregator | Alphanumeric | 3 | A32 |
This field indicates the receiver role, which identifies the role of the receiver of the document.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (8) Creation date And time
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
8 | Creation date And time | Date and time of the creation of the document, e.g. when the TSO or other reporting entity sends the transaction to the Agency. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
ISO 8601 date format using UTC time format. | Date and Time | 30 | 2014-01-29T10:35:56.00Z |
This field indicates the date and time that the document was prepared for transmission by the sender.
This field is mandatory
Data Field (9) Bid time interval
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
9 | Bid time interval/applicable time interval | The beginning and ending date and time of the period covered by the document. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
ISO 8601 date format using UTC time format. | Date and Time | 41 | 2009-03-01T13:00:00Z/2010-05-11T15:30:00Z |
This field identifies the beginning and ending date and time of the period covered by the document. This information provides the start and end date and time of the bid period. The receiver will discard any time intervals outside the bid period. Please note that this field is reported in two different fields in the schema e.g. start and end date.
This field is mandatory.
Data Field (10) Domain
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
10 | Domain | The domain covered within the document. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
EIC | Alphanumeric | The maximum length of this information is 16 characters | 10Y0000123456789 |
This field identifies the domain that is covered in the bid Document. This covers what auction identifications may be used.
Data Field (11) Document status
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
11 | Document status (if applicable) | Identifies the status of the document. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Refer to ENTSO-E Code list for data interchange document for the valid list of codes.
Alphanumeric | 3 characters. | A02 |
This field is mandatory.