7 Reporting of gas transportation contracts
The reporting to ACER of contracts relating to the transportation of natural gas with delivery in the European Union between two or more locations or bidding zones is mandatory since 7 April 2016. In this Chapter, the Agency provides information on how the data fields listed in Table 4 of the Annex to the REMIT Implementing Regulation should be populated. In subsequent editions of the TRUM, the Agency will also provide further guidance on how to report gas transportation contracts. It should be noted that Table 4 of the Annex to the REMIT Implementing Regulation shall be used for the reporting of both standard and non-standard gas transportation contracts.
It is worth noting that not all the data fields are mandatory for all transactions. Data fields are expected to be populated when applicable according to this manual. The Agency has prepared a list of trading scenarios to show what is expected and applicable to each scenario. The trading scenarios are listed in Annex II.
The information shall be provided for the following bookable points of the transmission system:
(a) all interconnection points;
(b) entry points of production facilities;
(c) for exit points connected to a single customer;
(d) entry and exit points to and from storage;
(e) entry and exit points to and from LNG facilities and physical hubs.
In case of bundled capacity each reporting entity reports its contractual part of the transaction.
With reference to the timing of reporting of transactions referred to transmission capacity allocation and the relevant lifecycle events, as stated in Article 7 of the REMIT Implementing Regulation:
- Details of contracts referred to primary allocations (including lifecycle events) shall be reported no later the working day following the availability of the allocation result;
- Details of non-standard contracts such as contracts referred to secondary allocations (including lifecycle events) shall be reported no later than the one month following the conclusion of the contract.
According to Article 10(3) of the REMIT Implementing Regulation, when dealing with the entry into force of the data reporting obligation the Agency established electronic formats based on established industry standards for reporting of information related to the allocation of transportation capacity of natural gas. In particular, as a schema for Table 4 data the Agency adopted the standard set out by Edig@s. Hereinafter the reference to Table 4 schema is intended to correspond to the Edig@s gas capacity allocation schema adopted for Table 4 data reporting. For the REMIT reporting purpose, the present chapter describes solely those fields indicated in the Annex IV of the REMIT Implementing Regulation. Additional guidance on the fields included in the Edig@s schema, but not described in the REMIT Implementing Regulation, is provided in some examples of the Annex II of TRUM. Despite Edig@s schema allows several values for each of the reported fields, for the REMIT data reporting purpose only the values indicated in this chapter for the relevant fields shall be adopted.