7.4 Data fields for identification of location and market participant
This section includes the following fields:
Field No. | Field name | Primary allocation | Secondary allocation |
22 | Network point identification | M | M |
23 | Bundling | M* | M* |
24 | Direction | M | M |
25 | TSO 1 identification | M | M |
26 | TSO 2 identification | M* | M* |
27 | Market participant identification | M | M |
28 | Balancing group or portfolio code | M* | M* |
M = mandatory; O = optional; - = does not apply; * = conditionally required; DV = default value specified in TRUM
Data Field (22) Network point identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
22 | Network point identification | Within a network system according to the EIC code. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
EIC Y, Z or W | Alphanumeric | 16 | 10Y0000123456789 |
This field identifies the network point to which the allocated capacity refers to. The identification of the network point occurs via the indication of the EIC code (type Y, Z or W). For the validity of the EIC code adopted, reporting parties are invited to refer to the identification code registry provided by ENTSO-E[1]. In the schema, this field requires the indication of the coding scheme attribute as well. For EIC codes, the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “305”.
The field is mandatory for primary and secondary allocations.
Data Field (23) Bundling
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
23 | Bundling | Specification of bundling |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Alphanumeric | 3 | ZEO |
This field is represented in the EDIGAS schema as “CapacityType.CODE” and the code for “bundled” is “ZEO” and that for unbundled is “ZEP”.
This field is mandatory for allocations occurring via auctions (primary allocations and secondary if occurred via auctions).
This field corresponds to the field PROCESS_TRANSACTION.CAPACITYTYPE.CODE in the schema.
Data Field (24) Direction
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
24 | Direction | Specification of direction. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Alphanumeric | 3 | Z02 |
This field specifies the direction of the transportation capacity in relation to the transmission system operated by the responsible TSO reported in Data Field (25). The TSO sells capacity with a direction in both bundled and unbundled capacity.
This field is mandatory for primary and secondary allocations.
This field corresponds to the field DIRECTION.CODE in the schema.
Clarifications on the Data Field (24) Direction The indication of the direction to be reported in Data Field (24) should represent the direction of the gas flow in respect to the responsible TSO reported in Data Field (25). Identification of the direction for gas transportation transactions For bundled capacity, the direction field represents the TSO's side. Hence in case of allocated bundled capacity with direction from TSO A to TSO B (see Figure above), this field is expected to be populated with “Z03” when Data Field (25) TSO1 identification reports TSO A. |
Data Field (25) TSO 1 identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
25 | TSO 1 identification | The identification of the TSO for which the data reporting is made. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
ACER code EIC |
Alphanumeric |
12 16 |
A0643278W.EU 10X0000123456789 |
This field identifies the responsible TSO for the allocated capacity. In case of primary allocations, this field indicates the TSOs on whose behalf the data reporting is made.
The responsible TSO shall be identified by a unique identification code, either ACER code or EIC code.
In the schema, this field requires the indication of the coding scheme attribute as well. For EIC codes, the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “305”. For ACER codes, it shall be equal to “ACE”.
The identifier reported in this field shall correspond to the relevant one listed in CEREMP.
The field is mandatory for primary and secondary allocations.
Data Field (26) TSO 2 identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
26 | TSO 2 identification | The identification of the counter TSO. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
ACER code EIC |
Alphanumeric |
12 16 |
A0643278W.EU 10X0000123456789 |
This field is mandatory for primary allocations if Data Field (23) is filled in with ZEO, i.e. only in case of allocation of bundled capacity. For secondary allocations of bundled capacity, this information shall be included if available to the reporting parties.
TSO 2 shall be identified by a unique identification code, either ACER code or EIC code.
In the schema, this field requires the indication of the coding scheme attribute as well. For EIC codes, the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “305”. For ACER codes, it shall be equal to “ACE”.
Data Field (27) Market participant identification
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
27 | Market participant identification | The market participant to which the capacity is assigned. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
ACER code EIC X-type |
Alphanumeric |
12 16 |
A0643278W.EU 10X1001A1001A450 |
This field identifies the market participant to which the capacity is assigned.
The identification code (i.e. ACER code or EIC X code) reported in this field shall correspond to the code assigned to or provided by the relevant Market Participant in CEREMP as part of its registration under Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011.
In case of primary allocations or allocations occurring via auctions, this field shall be populated also in case of unsuccessful market participants, i.e. those market participants that inserted a bid but did not succeed in getting an allocated capacity.
In case of secondary allocation occurring outside an organised marketplace, this field shall be populated with the market participant on whose behalf the report is sent. The two legs of those transactions are matched through Data Field (5), i.e. transportation transaction identification.
This field is mandatory for primary and secondary allocations.
In the schema, this field requires the indication of the coding scheme attribute as well. For EIC codes, the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “305”. For ACER codes, it shall be equal to “ACE”.
This field corresponds to the field PRIMARY_MARKETPARTICIPANT.IDENTIFICATION – CODINGSCHEME in the schema.
Data Field (28) Balancing group or portfolio code
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
28 | Balancing group or portfolio code | The balancing group (or balancing groups in case of bundled products) to which the shipper belongs or the portfolio code used by the shipper if a balancing group is not applicable. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Alphanumeric |
Up to 35 16 |
10X0000123456789 |
This field is mandatory for both primary and secondary allocations only where balancing group portfolio or accounts apply. Internal account (i.e. identification) of the shipper or the balancing group account (i.e. identification) assigned by the responsible TSO (identified in Data Field (25) TSO 1 Identification) needs to be reported in this field.
In the schema, this field requires the indication of the coding scheme attribute as well. For a TSO managed code (IS-U code), the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “ZSO”. For EIC codes, the coding scheme attribute shall be equal to “305”.
This field corresponds to the field PRIMARY_MARKETPARTICIPANT.ACCOUNT.INTERNALACCOUNT in the schema.