7.6 Data fields applicable only for orders places at auctions for primary allocations
This section includes the following fields:
Field No. | Field name | Primary allocation | Secondary allocation |
38 | Bid ID | M* | - |
39 | Auction round number | M* | - |
40 | Bid price | M* | - |
41 | Bid quantity | M* | - |
M = mandatory; O = optional; - = does not apply; * = conditionally required; DV = default value specified in TRUM
Data Field (38) Bid ID
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
38 | Bid ID | Numerical identifier of the bid as assigned by the reporting entity. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Up to 35 alphanumerical digits. | Alphanumeric | Up to 35 | 8552448 |
This field identifies the unique identification code assigned by the auction platform to each bid submitted in the allocation procedure. The code should be unique within the auction reported and is mandatory for primary allocation.
This field should be populated also in case of unsuccessful bid, e.g. in case a bid is presented by a market participant in the primary allocation without succeeding in getting an allocated capacity.
This field corresponds to the IDENTIFICATION field in the schema.
Data Field (39) Auction round number
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
39 | Auction round number | An integer that increments every time an auction achieves no result and is re-run with different parameters starting at 1. To be left blank in case of auctions without binding rounds, e.g. day-ahead auctions. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
An integer value starting with 1.
Integer | Up to 3 | 1 |
This field identifies the specific sequential identifier assigned by the auction platform (being an organised marketplace or a booking platform) within the allocation process.
Specifically, the auction round number is an integer that increments every time an auction achieves no result and is re-run with different parameters. An integer is a number that is written without a fractional component (for example, 21, 4, and −2048 are integers; 9.75 and 5½ are not integers).
The starting value of an auction round number is 1. In an ascending clock auction this is a sequential value starting from 1 that is assigned by the auction platform. In case of auctions without bidding rounds (e.g. uniform price auctions such as day-ahead auctions), this field should be populated with 1.
This field is mandatory for primary allocations occurring via auctions.
This field corresponds to the SEQUENCE field in the schema.
Data Field (40) Bid price
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
40 | Bid price | The price bid for each unit of capacity excluding the reserve price. Expressed in the currency and measure unit. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Up to 17 numerical digits (decimal mark included) in the format xxxxx.yyyyy. | Number | Up to 17 | 1.8 |
This field indicates the price associated to the bid indicated in Data Field (38) for each unit of capacity excluding the reserve price. This field reflects the Price Step in case of an auction.
The value reported in this field should be expressed in the currency reported in Data Field (17) per measure unit as indicated in Data field (16).
This field is mandatory for primary allocations occurring via auctions.
This field corresponds to the field BID_PRICE.AMOUNT in the schema
Data Field (41) Bid quantity
No. | Field Identifier | Description |
41 | Bid quantity | The quantity being bid for expressed in the measure unit. |
Description of Accepted Values | Type | Length | Examples |
Up to 17 numerical digits (decimal mark included) in the format xxxxx.yyyyy. | Number | 17 | 1.8 |
This field indicates the quantity presented by the market participant (network user) during the relevant auction round in the bid identified in Data Field (38) expressed in the measure of unit reported in Data Field (16).
The decimal mark that separates the digits forming the integral part of a number from those forming the fractional part (ISO 6093) shall always be a period (“.”).The number of decimal places identifying the fractional part of the quantity depends on local market rules.
This field is mandatory for primary allocations occurring via auctions.
This field corresponds to the field BID_QUANTITY.AMOUNT in the schema.