Expert Group on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency
Expert Group on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency
About the Group
The group focuses on providing advice on REMIT policy matters, including REMIT surveillance, conduct, integrity, and transparency (including assessing the obligation to disclose inside information); as well as on how other EU legislation, or new technologies, could impact energy trading and the functioning of the internal energy market.
The expert group is composed by the following members (in alphabetical order):
Ms Anje Stiers
Mr Bernhard Walter
Ms Camilla Berg
Ms Christine Hillion
Ms Giulia Migueles Pereyra
Mr Jethro Van Hardeveld
Mr Karl-Peter Horstmann
Ms Kristine Sachman
Ms Mathilde Brabant
Mr Michał Zapaśnik (observer for ENTSO-E)
Mr Peter Antić (observer for ENTSO-E)
Ms Szonja Rajkai-Horváth
Ms Viktoria Medvedeva-Tšernobrivaja (observer for ENTSOG)