15th AB meeting: background documents Share on: 15th AB meeting: background documents 1-AB-15-13 Draft agenda V4 2-AB-15-13_Minutes of the 14th AB meeting 4-AB-15-13_Draft ACER Budget 2014 5-AB-15-13_Final review of the WP 2013 6-AB-15-13_Appointment of BoR members 7-AB-15-13_Note 1 FR from the EC 8-AB-15-13_Note 2 FR from EC 9-AB-15-13_ACER Financial regulation 9a-AB-15-13_ ACER Financial regulation Final version 11-AB-15-13_Report on AP activities at the FSR 12-AB-15-13_Draft Decision on academic cooperation of the Director with FSR in 2014 13-AB-15-13_ECA Report ACER 2012 19-AB-15-13_Decision AB 18-2013 on the appointment of the new alternate of the BoR