19th AB meeting: background documents Share on: 19th AB meeting: background documents 5-Anti-fraud strategy ACER December 2014 6-Draft AB Decision on the whistleblowing policy 8-Draft AB Decision on the language regime of the Agency 9.1-Background information 9.2-Draft AB Decision on Implementing Rules to the FR 9.3-Agreement from DG BUDG on ACER IR 9.4-Comments from DG BUDG 10-Draft AB Decision on the adoption of the ACER Budget for the financial year 2015 11-Director Decision 2014-14 on budget transfers - November 2014 12.1-AB Decision on application of flexibility rule to modification of establishment plan 12.2-AB Decision on application of flexibility rule to modification of establishment plan 12.3-AB Decision on flexibility rule to modification of establishment plan V2 (in track changes) 12.4-Draft AB Decision on application of flexibility rule to modification of establishment plan V3 (TC) 12.5-Draft AB Decision on application of flexibility rule to modification of establishment plan V3 15-Letter and report on the annual accounts of the Agency for the financial year 2013 16.2-Decision 2014 on academic cooperation of the Director with FSR in 2015 19-Appointment decision on the new BoR alternate member 19th AB Draft agenda