24th AB meeting: background documents Share on: 24th AB meeting: background documents 1-AB-24-15_Draft agenda V3 2-AB-24-15_Minutes of the 24th AB meeting Ljubljana, 17 December 2015 5-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on the adoption of ACER Budget for the financial year 2016 5-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on the adoption of ACER Budget for the financial year 2016 V2 5.2-AB-24-15_Decision ACER 2016 adopted 6-AB-24-15_MoU with FERC for info-ToRs for adoption 7-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of CAs 7-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of CAs V2 7-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of CAs V3 8-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of TAs 8-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of TAs V2 8-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on appraisal of TAs V3 9-AB-24-15_ECA final accounts 2014 10.1-AB-24-15_Report on AP activities at the FSR in 2015 10.2-AB-24-15_Decision 2015 on academic cooperation of the Director with FSR in 2016 10.2-AB-24-15_Decision 2015 on academic cooperation of the Director with FSR in 2016 V2 11-AB-24-15_Draft AB Decision on the reclassification of the Director 12.1-AB-24-15_Decision AB-19-2015 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate member, Nektaria Karakatsani 12.2-AB-24-15_Decision AB-20-2015 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate and member, Andreas Pouillikkas and Alkis Philippou