26th AB meeting: background documents Share on: 26th AB meeting: background documents 1-AB-26-16_Draft agenda for approval 2.1-AB-26-16_Draft minutes of the 25th AB meeting - Part 1 2.2-AB-26-16_Draft minutes of the 25th AB meeting - Part 2 6.1-AB-26-16_Decision AB-04-2016 on the appointment of a new BoR member, Rolands Irklis 6.2-AB-26-16_Decision AB-05-2016 on the appointment of the new BoR member and alternate, Santos and Trindade 6.3-AB-26-16_Decision AB-09-2016 on the appointment of a new BoR member, Wolfgang Urbantschitsch 6.4-AB-26-16_Decision AB-10-2016 on the appointment of a new BoR alternate member, Martin Sik 8-AB-26-16_AB Decision on the appointment of reporting officers for the appraisal of the Director 2016 9-AB-26-16_ACER Discharge 2014 14-AB-26-16_Opinion AB No X on the 2015 final accounts (with Annexes I and II) 16-AB-26-16_DECISION AB-XX-2016 on adopting implementing rules on part time 17-AB-26_16_List of IRs status April 2016 18-AB-26-16_Decision AB 5bis - 2010 Delegations to the Chairman (appointing new Members of the Board)