29th AB meeting: background documents Share on: 29th AB meeting: background documents 1-AB-29-16_Draft agenda V2 2.1-AB-29-16_Draft minutes of the 27th AB meeting 3.1-AB-29-16_Draft minutes of the 28th AB meeting 5.1_AB-29-16_Report on Director's activities at the FSR 5.2-AB-29-16_Decision 2016 on academic cooperation of the Director with FSR in 2017 7-AB-29-16_Draft AB decision on the adoption of the Budget for the financial year 2017 13-AB-29-16_Decision on application of the flexibility rule to modify 2016 established plan 4-AB-29-16_AB Decision on pairing BoA members and alternates 15-AB-29-16_AB meetings in 2017 Minutes of the 29th AB meeting