PC_2022_EG_09 - Public Consultation on the new framework guidelines on scenarios for network development planning
Contact information
Every two years, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and for Gas (ENTSOG) prepare joint scenarios which set the basis for the future network development planning in the European Union.
The recasted TEN-E regulation requires that these joint scenarios for the electricity and gas Ten Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs) must be scrutinised and developed in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner and be robust.
To ensure these TYNDP scenarios are transparent, non-discriminatory and robust, as well as in line with the European Union’s climate and energy objectives, ACER is publishing Scenario Guidelines.
Why we are consulting
In order to make an informed and inclusive decision on Scenario Guidelines, ACER will collect views from stakeholders.
ACER invites interested parties to submit their inputs on draft Scenarios Guideline by 14 November 2022, 23:59 (CET).
Consultation documents
Evaluation of responses and responses
Next steps
ACER’s Scenarios Guidelines will be adopted by 24 January 2023.
ACER will organise an online webinar on Scenarios Guidelines on 26 January 2023.