ACER will evaluate amendments to the pricing methodology and framework related to electricity balancing platforms

ACER will evaluate amendments to the pricing methodology and framework related to electricity balancing platforms
What is it about?
On 7 February 2024, ACER has received the transmission system operators’ (TSOs’) proposal to amend:
The pricing methodology establishes a harmonised approach for calculating prices across the different EU balancing platforms and increases the efficiency of the balancing energy markets.
The aFRR implementation framework describes the design of the platform for the international coordination of automated frequency restoration and stable system operation (PICASSO), which is a key element in the European balancing markets integration.
What are the amendments about?
In relation to the pricing methodology, the TSOs are proposing to:
- Reduce the technical price limits of the integrated balancing energy markets from 99,999 to 15,000 EUR/MWh. This implies that balance service providers will not be allowed to bid below -15,000 EUR/MWh or above 15,000 EUR/MWh, after July 2026.
- Lower the transitional price limit (valid until July 2026) to 10,000 EUR/MWh. Similarly, during this transitional period, balance service providers will only be allowed to bid between the price range from -10,000 to 10,000 EUR/MWh.
- Use an alternative way to compute the prices from the PICASSO platform to better reflect the bids activated by the TSOs.
In terms of the aFRR implementation framework, the TSOs propose introducing the possibility of using an elastic demand. This would allow them to price a segment of their demand and therefore establish a threshold beyond which they are unwilling to activate balancing energy. This would improve the TSOs' ability to manage the balance between cost efficiency and the need for maintaining high-quality frequency.
How does ACER contribute?
ACER will review the TSOs’ proposals to ensure they align with the Regulation on electricity balancing and fulfil the obligations set out by the Regulation on the internal market for electricity.
What are the next steps?
To gather inputs from stakeholders and inform its decision-making process, ACER will:
- run a public consultation from 26 March to 23 April 2024;
- hold a webinar on 8 April 2024 to present and discuss the main elements of ACER’s public consultation.
ACER will reach a decision by 7 August 2024.