ACER workshop on conditional capacity

CEER Premises - Cours Saint-Michel 30a, box F (5th floor), 1040 Brussels - Belgium
04/12/2018 10:20 - 14:00 (Europe/Brussels)

What is it about?

The Agency has an obligation to report on such conditionalities and has contracted a consultant to assist it with this task.

At the event, the consultant will present the preliminary findings of the ongoing study.

The event is open to stakeholders.

The draft agenda of the workshop is available here​.

Live Web Stream of the event is available here.

​1. ACER Presentation
2. REF-F Presentation
3. REF-F Presentation
4. REF-E Presentation
5. BnetzA Presentation
6. ENTSOG Presentation
7. ENAGAS Presentation