Question 2.1.16
The TRUM and its Annexes have been updated to state that for Backloading trades, you should set field 21 (contract ID) to NA and field 22 (name) to BACKLOADING.
Market participants reporting bilateral contracts traded off-organised market places, backloading and executions under the framework of non-standard contracts are not expected to submit a contract ID but only “NA” for not available.
Can I question the contract ID please, since in the XML file the contract ID is used to link the trade to the contract, and if it’s all set to NA then you cannot have more than one trade in a file as you cannot reference which contract the trade refers to.
Market participants reporting backloading and executions under the framework of non-standard contracts should report “NA” in Field 21 (Contract ID) and “BACKLOADING” or “EXECUTION” in Field 22 (Contract Name). However, while reporting this information, market participants have to report details of the contracts in each Trade Report and not in the Contract List section of the XML file.
In order to use the Contract List section of the XML file, market participants can use any unique contract ID they prefer. There is no expectation that the other counterparty will report the same contract ID. The contract ID links Trade Reports to the contract in the Contract List section within the same XML file. For Example:
<TradeList> ……….
<contractId> NA </contractId>