Question 1.1.10

Question 1.1.10

The list of standard contracts contains natural gas contracts named “Monthly Profile”, provided by AAA Brokers. In addition, XXX Brokers state that they are a PPAT, not an OMP and therefore their provided contracts might not necessarily be added to the list of standard contracts. For these reasons we are not sure whether bilaterally concluded fixed shape volume contracts are to be considered as standard or non-standard contracts?

Example: Bilaterally (Non-OMP) concluded natural gas fixed shape volume contract for multiple, non-consecutive months with individual capacities (MWh/h).


If XXX Brokers are only PPTAs and not an Organised Market Place then bilaterally concluded fixed shape volume contracts should be considered non-standard contracts. Please see TRUM_V2 page 17 and Annex II to the TRUM for clarification of the differences between standard contracts and non-standard contracts.
