Question 1.1.21

Question 1.1.21

We have one question regarding the following contract situation:

There is one contract between company A and a group of contract partner/owner (owner B, owner C and owner D – one production unit with an aggregation of generation units). Company A sells monthly electricity for the production unit (contract partner)¸ having monthly one price and one amount on the invoice. The Acer Code of which owner (owner B, owner C and owner D ???) do we have to report, since the REMIT IT of RRM Services allows only to fill in one Acer Code. Do all owner have to register? The production unit (aggregation of generation units) has > 10 MW.


Based on the information provided above, the reporting party has to allocate the delivered volume to the respective contracts (counterparties) and report as many transactions as the number of counterparties.
