Question 2.1.15 Data Field (21)

Question 2.1.15 Data Field (21)

Would it be possible to extend the max length of the Contract ID?

We use this field as a reference and it is displayed in a number of lists and platforms (including XXXXX) together with the UTI, the Action and the parties to a transaction (unlike the Contract name, which is only available by searching the XML)

Our contract ID  includes the Instrument and the Period and immediately pinpoints potential issues with a given contract


Spread: Germany_Baseload_vs_Germany_Baseload_NOMX_Futures_Sep_15


The length of the Contract ID field is predefined in ACER’s XSD schema. At present, there are no plans to change the Contract ID field in the REMITTable1 schema. Possible modifications that could be implemented in the future on REMIT Table 1 schema have been widely consulted with stakeholders. The consultation is available on ACER webpage.
