Question 2.1.22 Data Field (27)

Question 2.1.22 Data Field (27)

Duplication of organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier in the schema organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier appears in the contract definition as well as order and trade.

Your examples, such as example 3.10 show the OMP ID listed in both locations. Since each order or trade must have a contract, this does not appear to make sense since what would happen if they contradict






And then under each order or trade










So path



Is duplicated in

REMITTable1 >OrderList>OrderReport>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifierlei


REMITTable1 >TradeList>TradeReport>contractInfo>contract>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier>lei

Is duplicated in

REMITTable1 >TradeList>TradeReport>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifierlei

And if you use a ContractList , they are all duplicated in

REMITTable1 >ContractList>contract>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier>lei

I would prefer you to remove OMP ID from the orders and trades area of the schema, leaving it in just the Contract (which can be provided as the ContractList , or individually as Contracts under each

If the schema cannot be changed, guidance or example to only include it in the Contract would be welcome.

So guidance that if you use a ContractList , only use

REMITTable1 >ContractList>contract>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier>lei

And if you don’t use a contract list but embed the contract in each order or trade, only use:






And never use

REMITTable1 >OrderList>OrderReport>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifierlei


REMITTable1 >TradeList>TradeReport>organisedMarketPlaceIdentifierlei


When a <ContractList> is used, the field <organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier> is required to be reported twice because if the RRM reports two different contracts traded in different markets but with the same contract ID, it will not be possible to match which contract a trade or order report is referring to. For this reason the schema was designed in a way that if a <ContractList> is used in the report, then the reporting party has to report the field <organisedMarketPlaceIdentifier> in the <ContractList> and in the Trade Report and Order Report section. 
