Question 2.1.28 Data Field (30)
The schema has two Date/Time fields for an Order and Trade.
Are we required to populate both Date/Time fields?
Please see Field 30 “Transaction timestamp” in the TRUM: “The date and time of the contract execution or order submission, or their modification, cancellation or termination”. This should be understood as the time at which two orders match.
The latest version of the schema includes:
1. <transactionTime></transactionTime> and
2. <executionTime></executionTime>
Execution Time should be reported if different than Transaction Time. There is no need to report the same timestamp twice. Please see also “Mapping between REMIT Implementing Regulation Tables and electronic schemas" file available at which says
- (non in use) REMITTable1 >TradeList>TradeReport>executionTime
- (optional) REMITTable1 >OrderList>OrderReport>originalEntryTime
If reporting parties would also like to report <executionTime > to indicate that the legal execution time takes place a few seconds/minutes after the orders have matched, this can be done.
When <executionTime > is different than <transactionTime>, this can be reported under <executionTime></executionTime> code. E.g. for a trade:
For order reports: < originalEntryTime> may be used to report orders that have a persistent Order ID when these are removed from the order book at the end of the day (or trading session) and reintroduced the following day (session):
<transactionTime>2015-06-11T09:00:00.000Z</transactionTime> (at the opening)
<originalEntryTime>2015-06-07T12:39:29.469Z</originalEntryTime> (originally placed)