Question 2.1.34 Data Field (35), (38), (40), (41) and (42)
Does ACER care if we submit a trade in kWh and the counterparty submits the opposite side in MWh? Or I submit one side in GBX (pence) and the other side is submitted in GBP (pounds)?
This is unlikely to be a problem where the OMP generates both sides of the trade, but it could happen if the MP is deriving the information themselves.
Second question – if I report NBP gas as an example in one unit, and another broker reports it in the other unit – will that cause a problem? Will ACER define a standard list of units for each delivery point, or will ARIS internally convert all units into one ACER common reference unit for comparison.
I would prefer you to accept all variants of this, otherwise you will have to describe a “reference” implementation for everything, which takes time to do and then time for everyone to implement and time is something that we don’t have a lot of!
Transaction reports for orders to trade and trades executed at Organised Market Places should be reported in the unit as advertised by the Organised Market Place. If market participants decide to report their transactions through third parties (e.g. RRMs), they should not indicate other units or currency than the ones advertised by the Organised Market Place for that contract.
With regard to calculated values such as Total Notional Amount and Total Notional Quantity, it is possible to report the information in different units, e.g. EUR or EUX (but not GBP instead of EUR) and MWh or KWh (but not MWh instead of GJ).