Question 2.1.52 Extra field in the schema
MPs are required to bid the capacity based on the units (unit based bidding) in specific auction and continuous markets in the European Union. Could the Agency provide guidance on reporting of potentially useful information in particular unit information related to unit based bidding records of transactions including orders to trade?
In the Agency’s view, the reporting parties shall use the “Extra” field in schema REMITTable1_V3.xsd and report the local unit ID codes in case of unit based bidding in both trade and order reports in applicable continuous (Contract type = CO) and auction markets (Contract type = AU).
In order to correctly map the information, the type of data to be reported is: ASSETIDSTRING
Example of Spanish auction and continuous markets: Unit ID code (Spain) - >ABESC01->
Schema Table 1_V3:
Example of Portuguese auction and continuous markets: Unit ID code (Portugal)- >EGPPCX2 -> BidUnitID=EGPPCX2
Schema Table 1_V3:
Example of Irish auction and continuous markets: Unit ID code (Ireland) -> GU_400930-> BidUnitID=GU400930
Schema Table 1_V3:
Example of Italian auction and continuous markets: Unit ID code (Italy) -> UP_VALMALENCO_1-> BidUnitID=UPVALMALENCO1
Note: Unit ID code should respect XSD constraints in regard to the character set allowed and should not contain particular prefix and suffix strings mentioned in the examples above (such as “BidUnitID”, “Yes “ and “==Yes “) nor separator (“-“,”_”, “ “..) or special characters (@, *,…).
In case additional tags, proposed by the Agency (such as “FullSet” tag), are reported in the Extra field they should be combined respecting XSD constraints.
Schema Table 1_V3: