Question 2.3.3

Question 2.3.3

We would like to know whether the orders introduced in retail CFD trading platforms for the trading of electricity or gas CFDs, are covered by the REMIT reporting obligation.

For example, currently there are CFDs on gas and electricity trades that are being reported to comply with EMIR reporting obligations. Since these trades are done in “retail” platforms, we are wondering if the orders associated to them are reportable under REMIT. The doubt arises because these platforms are commonly known as retail platforms and REMIT normally applies to wholesale trading.


The Agency understands that Contracts For Difference (CFD) are derivatives (similar to futures). Guidance on reporting derivatives can be found in the TRUM and in Annex III of the TRUM available in the REMIT Documents section of the ACER website. The Agency believes that the question raised is already sufficiently addressed in Annex III of the TRUM.
