Question 3.1.11
If a non-standard trade is transacted and reported under Table 2, and a Day 1 cross delta trade is also performed with the same counterparty and reported under Table 1, does the Table 1 trade need to be linked to the Table 2?
Also is the Table 1 trade classed as an execution and therefore reported each month after invoicing, or just reported once as a bilateral trade?
We enter into a non-standard trade which is a Calendar strip of monthly options to purchase a physical spark spread position – i.e. similar to the example provided in Appendix A. The non-standard option deal will give a delta of being Long Power / Short Gas.
To hedge the position, we therefore at the same time enter into a fixed price physical transaction with the same counterparty to Sell Power & Buy Gas.
Whilst the 2 trades are booked independent as the flow of one is not dependent to the other, they are still linked in the sense that the second trade is a direct hedge of the first trade and performed with the same counterparty.
Our interpretation is that the non-standard trade would be reported using Table 2. The fixed price physical hedge would then be reported under Table 1, and linked to the Table 2 trade via Field 32. However the Table 1 trade would be classed as a bilateral trade and not an execution trade and therefore only reportable once (assuming no lifecycle events) and not each month the trade deliveries.
We agree with the interpretation. The non-standard trade would be reported using Table 2. The fixed price physical hedge would then be reported under Table 1, and linked to the Table 2 trade via field 32. However, the Table 1 trade would be classed as a bilateral trade and not an execution trade and therefore only reportable once (assuming no lifecycle events) and not each month the trade deliveries.