Question 3.1.19

Question 3.1.19

Reference to documents: ACER_REMIT_TRUM_v2.0, point 5

Question 1:

What has to be reported in the monthly reports of power Non-standard contracts, Table 1?

Question 2:

What has to be reported in the monthly reports of gas Non-standard contracts, Table 1?

Question 3:

Backloading for non-standard contracts table I: reporting obligation starting July 6th, 2016?

Question 1:

  • the total volume and the resulting average price of the contract (1 report) OR
  • the volume summarised by each transmission system operator (4 TSOs) (1 report including 4 volumes and prices) OR
  • the volume summarised by each transmission system operator (4 TSOs) (4 reports)

Question 2:

  • the total volume and the resulting average price of the contract (1 report) OR
  • the volume summarised by each gas market area (2 market areas) (1 report including 4 volumes and prices) OR
  • the volume summarised by each gas market area (2 market areas) (4 reports)

Question 3:

In our understanding the backloading of bilateral non-standard contracts have to be reported from July 6th on: these are contracts which were concluded before April 7th and are still in delivery since April 7th or will start in the future.

  • Is it correct that we report the framework contracts until July 6th and the first monthly table 1 report will be send in August?

Question 1:

  • the volume summarised by each transmission system operator (4 TSOs) (1 report including 4 volumes and prices)

Question 2:

  • the volume summarised by each gas market area (2 market areas) (1 report including 4 volumes and prices)

Question 3:

  • Is it correct that we report the framework contracts


It is the Agency’s understanding that each transaction with each transmission system operator (different delivery point) has to be reported separately.

With regard to the backloading of bilateral non-standard contracts it is the Agency’s understanding that contracts which were concluded before 7 April and are outstanding on 7 April have to be reported by 6 July 2016.
