Question 3.1.29

Question 3.1.29

How should market participants report their BILCONTRACT executed outside an organised market under the framework of non-standard contracts? Examples 24.01 and 27.01 are about options which seem to execute BILCONTRAT but they show the reporting of EXECUTION.


On the basis of the input provided to the Agency’s by its stakeholders, example 24.01 and 27.01 may (but not necessarily) be amended accordingly. As the non-standard contract reported with Table 2 is an option with monthly exercise on the 4th business day preceding the start of month, the transaction as a result of the option exercise should be reported as BILCONTRACT transaction in Table 1 linked to the non-standard contract previously reported with Table 2, by using the field for Linked Transaction ID.

Similarly, example 27.01, if the transaction is executed ahead of the delivery with the characteristics of any other transaction of BILCONTRACT type, please see Question 3.1.28, then such a transaction should be reported as BILCONTRACT transaction linked to the non-standard contract previously reported with Table 2.
