Question 3.1.39

Question 3.1.39

As we do not find a relevant transaction reporting examples suitable to our case, please find enclosed the description of our specific transaction and how we propose to submit it.

For its procurement of grid losses, TSO X tenders on yearly basis a certain amount of power to the market:

  • This is a yearly shaped profile with a fixed volume, e.g. 10 lots à 43395 MWh per lot for the year 2017 (8760 hours) were tendered in 2015/ 2016 with a certain shape.
  • Market participants willing to participate in the tender could offer their prices for the overall profile (e.g. EUR 31, 69) and the market participants with the cheapest price are contracted.
  • We consider that as a non-standardized transaction, but with a fixed volume and price, so will use TABLE 1 for reporting, see example below.
  • For field 40 “Quantity / Volume” we will use the average clip size rounded with two decimal places, i.e. 43.395 MWh / 8760 hours = 4,95 MW.
  • In field 54 “Load Delivery Intervals” we enter “00:00/24:00” per default.

Please find the complete example and how we intend to report in the Excel file enclosed.

We would welcome, if you could approve our suggestion and add the example to the ANNEX II of the TRUM, so we could communicate accordingly to our counterparties.


Based on the information provided above, it is our understanding that this is a BILATERAL contract with shaped profile. Each hour with different quantity and price should be reported in the report.
