Question 3.1.52
There are different views within the industry about the reporting of purchase seller agreement when transactions consist of different parts. For example:
- Company A can sell electricity to Company B in accordance with the terms and conditions of their purchase seller agreement; but also
- Company B can sell electricity to Company A in accordance with the terms and conditions of their purchase seller agreement
How should such a contract be reported?
- Some market participants believe that the contract should be split in two different reporting streams: one contract for the sold quantity and one contract for the bought quantity
- Other market participants suggested to report one contact using C as buy/sell indicator
This different views may result in the reporting of the same contract with different formats:
- Company A reports a Table 2 with a “C” as buy/sell indicator;
- Company B report two separate Table 2, one for the sold quantity and one contract for the bought quantity
What is the right way to report such purchase seller agreement transaction?
In the Agency’s view, purchase-seller agreements should be reported with Table 2, as per the examples available in Annex II to the TRUM provided by the Agency’s stakeholders.
With regard to the reporting of a transaction under a purchase-seller agreement with Table 2, if market participants have different views on the reporting of such contracts, they can report their purchase-seller agreement with Table 2 either as one contract with a “C” as buy/sell indicator, or two separate contracts, one as “B” for Buy and one as “S” for Sell, provided that the meaning of the reports is the same.
As a result, any EXECUTION under the framework of the Table 2 non-standard should be reported with Table 1. Please see examples in Annex II to the TRUM.