Question 3.1.8

Question 3.1.8

How to report a bilateral contract (initially classified as a non-standard contract and also reported in a non-standard format) in cases of any price fixing events (e.g. the client exercises an option)? This especially concerns such events which could be interpreted as a standard contract in a stand-alone perspective. (Vanilla) options are considered as being standard contracts (Table 1) and reportable in Phase 1 if executed over an OMP or identical to a product admitted to trading over an OMP (although the REMIT reporting requirement would be met if the trade falls within the scope of EMIR and has been reported as such).


Please see the example in Annex II to the TRUM. In Section 2 of the annex there are several examples on how to report bilaterally traded contracts and executions under those non-standard contracts.

If the price fixing event (e.g. the client exercises an option) is related to a non-standard contract reported with Table 2, then the event should be reported with Table 1 under the framework of a non-standard contact and not be interpreted as a standard contract. The two contracts (non-standard contract reported with Table 2 and the exercise of the option contract reported with Table 1) should be linked via field “Linked transaction ID”.

Please see Q. 3.1.28 whether the execution should be reported as EXECUTION or BILCONTRACT contract, also considering that examples reported in Annex II to the TRUM are non-exhaustive.

On the contrary, vanilla options that are considered as standard contracts should be reported with Table 1 and reportable in Phase 1 if traded over an organised market place.
