Question 3.2.1 Data Field (3)
How should field (3) of Table 2 “ID of the other market participant or counterparty” in a bilateral transaction be populated when the other counterparty (non-EU member) does not have an ACER code but is a REMIT participant?
Example: In a reportable Bilateral Contract the “other Market Participant” (counterparty) is a non-EU member and refuses to register for obtaining an ACER code.
When a market player is a REMIT market participant and enters into a bilateral transaction with a non-REMIT market participant (i.e. active only in non-EU markets and thus not registered in CEREMP), Field (3) of Table 2 “ID of the other market participant or counterparty” should be populated with the fictitious code ACERNONMP.EU to indicate the counterparty to the contract is not a registered market participant.
Please note that the above indication is valid also in case of population of the field (4) “ID of the other market participant or counterparty” in Table 1 (as indicated in FAQ 2.6.1). Please note that the fictitious code is only valid for field (3) “ID of the other market participant or counterparty”.