Question 3.2.15 Data field (42)
Reference is made to the lifecycle event for Non Standard contracts and in particular to amendment of long-term contracts where there is no delay in the start of the delivery. When a MODIFY for TAB2 is submitted which value for Field 42 (Delivery start date) should be used?
- Should the field be populated with the date since which the amendment is effective or;
- Should the field always maintain the same value (date) as the one that was reported for the NEW lifecycle event
Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM)
Practical Example:
In case ACER guidance is for 2) we highlight the risk that, since normally the long term contract’s formula (if contract price is one of the contractual sections affected by the amendment) becomes retroactively effective since the date of effectiveness of the amendment, maintaining in Field 15a also the previous info for such formula (that was valid previously) and the text describing the time switches, could soon saturate the 1000 characters currently allowed. Again, in option 2), could it be acceptable that Field 15a only reports the price formula valid due to the last amendment originating the MODIFY (with an explicit info stating the first day in which such formula is valid) and that also information in Fixing Indexes and Volume Optionality be reported with sole reference to the last amendment originating the MODIFY event?
In the Agency’s view, when an amendment of a long-term contract has to be reported, the modified record should be submitted with the Action type “M” (‘Modify’) and should include the same delivery start date in Field 42 and the new price formula in Field 15. The ‘explicit info stating the first day on which such formula is valid’ can also be reported in Field 15.